...and I sound like one. A whispering bullfrog, if that's possible. Somewhere between planning last week's field lesson and actually going on the field lesson, I caught a case of laryngitis. Not being able to talk makes my job a little difficult, so I've had to get extra-creative with my lessons this week.
One nice thing about feeling less than 100% is that the students are especially well-behaved and eager to help. At least thirty students offered to be my voice today and proposed standing next to me to pass on my directions to the other students.
Also, a bunch of them channel their creative energy into making the most incredible get-well cards. Take this card my student Edmund made for me when I was sick in October, for example. It's practically a multi-media event with all its layers, cut-outs, and pop-ups.

In case you can't read it, it says:
I learned a lot from you. Your in the hospital now with pneumonia, but I know you'll be better. There is nothing the Lord can't heal. Don't worry, cause you might be 90% horrible with a sickness, but you'll be 100% better in no time. I miss you and if we were electrons you would be a proton and a neutron in my heart.
I {heart} U
And I Miss You
Too funny! I especially love the atomic references and the protron/electron/neutron identification key. I can't quite figure out the references, but I definitely appreciate the effort.
My frogginess has been in effect since Saturday. According to Wikipedia, laryngitis can last up to three weeks, but I'm hoping to sound normal again by Thursday. If not, I'll be spending some quality time developing intense hand signals to convey messages to my students. Keeping my fingers crossed...